Filay minion
Filay minion

filay minion

Because you’ve cooked a few filets, and you know how to do it you'll eventually just know 2) A combo of judgment and the feel test I mentioned above, 3) A distant third is a meat thermometer. The best ways, in order, to tell doneness is 1) Judgment.They really should never take more than another 7 – 8 minutes in the oven set to the right temperature…but Generally speaking, every few minutes will move the steak up a notch on the doneness scale from rare to medium to well. For more well done filets, slide the pan into the hot oven.

filay minion

Use the feel technique I describe in the five rules for the perfect steak If you like your steak very rare, you can probably take it off now.Baste the steaks with melted herb butter.Near the end of those 3 – 4 minutes add a couple tablespoons of butter, and the herb of your choice.Turn the steak over, and allow it to sear for another 3 – 4 minutes.

filay minion

  • Lay the filet mignons down in the pan, and let them sear on that side for 3 – 4 minutes depending on thickness.
  • Bring your heaviest sauté pan up to temperature over very high heat, and add a few tablespoon of oil – I generally use olive oil, but only for convenience.
  • Getting a good sear on the filet is critical.
  • That time allows the meat to come to room temperature – which will help ensure you cook it to the right doneness.
  • Take the filet mignon out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you want to cook it, and season it liberally with salt and pepper.
  • But if you'd like you can also follow these same steps and cook your filet on the grill.
  • Pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees yes, the oven, which is where I prefer to cooking my filet.
  • Control the doneness (from rare to well done) with the length of time you leave the filets in the oven – Not the temperature. Cook the filets at high temperature to get a great sear on the outside that is crunchy, tasty, and great looking.
  • Philosophically, high heat = great meat.
  • Becuse the filet cooks from the outside in…and you always use high heat, to get more done, you simple cook the steak longer so the heat penetrates deeper. You don't use temperture to control the donesss of the steak - using high heat for well done, and low heat for rare.
  • The thickness will heavily influence the time you cook the filet to get your desired doneness.
  • And the filet should be a single muscle, with a firm feel – some cuts from the end of the tenderloin are two muscles barely held together by thin connective tissue - pass on these. I like them thick cut – at least 2, preferably 3 inches thick.
  • Buy good quality filet mignon, from a butcher if you can.
  • Choose your desired doneness wisely – before you starting cooking.
  • As it gets closer to well done, more of that scarce fat melts away, and the dryer the meat will get Because filet mignon is so lean, there’s little fat to melt and lubricate the meat while cooking.
  • With steak (and most meat) fat means flavor, and juiciness.
  • It is also quite lean, with very little fat…which is great health wise, but….
  • Filet Mignon is the tenderloin, a muscle that does very little work thus it’s tenderness.
  • Make sure that you buy a good quality filet mignon.
  • If your idea of the Perfect Filet is one that’s well done…go for it – although there is tiny place in my heart that really hopes you’ve at least tried medium or medium rare -) Hope you enjoy it! How to Cook the Perfect Filet Mignon

    Filay minion